
Mastermind Courses, Workshops & Consulting

Key Workshops, courses that would boost your career

My Courses, Workshops & Consulting

Career Coach, Chief Architect & Technopreneur. We offer a combination of video-based apps, live coaching, and business consulting. We offer three (3) types of products / services so you get the results and performance you desire. Mastermind Courses, Workshops that would power up your career growth

Career Accelerator Blueprint

A foundation level course. It covers how to set your vision and goals. Creates a direction and roadmap for you to follow in order to lead a life and career of your choice.

Career Accelerator Mastery

A detailed 8 week challenge. The Challenge guides you in building your thinking and collaboration skills. It enhances your emotional intelligence, use of social media and process orientation

Career Hackathon

An intensive 10 week challenge. The Supreme course is a comprehensive course that covers topics including automation and scaling, negotiation and financial fitness.

ACE Interview Mastery

We offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers all major topics you need to know for the interview. Our goal is simple, to help you succeed, and we focus on various topics to help get you there, not only the technical ones,

Fasttrack Promotion Mastery

The key to being a star performer at any stage in your career: Make the boss happy. Sit down with your manager and set specific goals for yourself. “Say, ‘I want to hit the ground running and exceed your expectations. What can I do?’” recommends Julie Cohen, career coach and CEO of professional training program Work. Life. Leader.

Massive Hike Formula

Learn the art of massive hike formula. A performance appraisal does not always result in an automatic salary increase. The employee's overall performance and salary level relative to position responsibilities must be evaluated to determine whether a salary increase is warranted. Out-of-cycle salary increases must be preapproved by the department manager, human resource (HR) director.