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Customer Data Platform

Customer Data Platform is an incredible outstanding customer platform, a software platform or an application, which collects the customer data from all possible channels – social media, mobile, personal interaction, review and remarks, recommendation etc. and create a unified view of the customer and provide you for a distinguished customer experience. This allows to deliver a hyper-personalized customer experience.

This book is for CIO, CTO, IT professionals, Customer centric marketing professionals who wants to understand the 360-view of the customers and aligned to provide a unique and distinguished hyper-personalized customer experience while servicing the customers unique need.

Author: Manoj Gupta
Series: Digital Transformation, Book 1
Genres: Advice & How to, Career Guide, Cutting Edge Technology
Tags: Customer data, find your why, problem solving, Recommended Books

Warning: Keep your card ready for payment. Valid only for the first 100 copies.

My next book is ready, and I have decided to give paperback of this book at a throwaway price (includes shipping). This offer is valid only for the first 100 individuals. Discover the Customer Data Platform and how to leverage this to transform your digital marketing engagement.

If you have always wondered how to transform your digital marketing engagement leveraging customer data platform and didn’t know how, this is the book you are looking for.

If you have always wondered about the mistakes to avoid while doing digital transformation, this is the book you should grab before anyone does.

Book your copy here: https://imjo.in/b6SfUc
Please Hurry up. Maybe by the time you see this post, the offer is already redeemed by 100 people. Check your luck by clicking and if it is available, book your copy without any delay. Starts shipping from 25th July, 2021.